An essay writing

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An essay is a literary genre in which the author argues on any topic, expressing his or her opinion on a social, moral, or other issue in an individual author's style of presentation.

An essay is a literary genre in which the author argues on any topic, expressing his or her opinion on a social, moral, or other issue in an individual author's style of presentation. Also, essays are small in size, and the genre is not limited by strict requirements.

Depending on the subject of the statement, there are these types of essay writer helper on EssayAssistant essays:

- An analytical essay is designed to critically examine a thesis or phenomenon. It broadcasts the author's opinion on the topic, indicates the side he takes in a controversial issue.

- A critical essay is an analysis of someone else's work (an article, a film, a work of fine art, etc.). It indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the work, reveals the subtleties of its creation. Also, the author of the essay assumes what the creator wanted to convey to the public, and summarizes whether he or she managed to achieve the goal.

- The argumentation essay proves a certain thesis with the help of weighty arguments.

- An essay-definition clarifies a subject or phenomenon, gives comprehensive information about it. Also, in this case, it is not necessary to prove the usefulness, workability or fidelity of the subject.

- Narrative essay it describes an event or action; often it has an informative or entertaining purpose and should interest the reader in what is happening. Moreover, this type of essay is similar to a short story: it also has a plot, development of events, denouement and conflict.

- A comparison essay is a work that draws parallels between a subject and a similar phenomenon.

In addition, essays can be objective and subjective; if the author emphasizes his opinion, views an issue through the prism of his own values rather than in a detached manner, his work is subjective.

A planned statement in advance is a guarantee that it will be logical and understandable.

Introduction: in it it is necessary to designate the problematic of the essay, name the question that will be further considered.

The thesis and argument: the thesis is a succinctly formulated thought that reveals the author's attitude to the issue. Also, there should be at least three of them in the essay, each thesis should be supported by arguments: historical facts, examples from personal experience, scientific justifications.

The conclusion is where the author summarizes all of the above, summarizing his vision of the problem.
