MMOSO - How do you grow gold in TBC Classic to prepare for WotLK Classic?

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In our WoW WotLK Classic preparation guide, we've rounded up what you can do now to prepare for your upcoming Northrend adventure. One thing that should be on many players' lists: save as much gold as you can. Such as cold weather pilot license (1000g), activate dual talent allocation (1000g), buy traveler tundra mammoth (20000g), expensive Dalaran ring (about 8000g plus later upgrades), or early crafting of various Strong armor or weapon for each class.

But we've been in the final stages of the TBC classic era for a while now. Prices for Sunwell-specific items and consumables are dropping, and resources like Mana Thistle or Tailoring Specialist's Special Fabric don't get as much gold as they did a few months ago. In this guide, we want to show you how to still earn premium coins in TBC Classic.

1. Gold DKP run

Back in the classic era, we've covered many times the importance of the golden DKP meta on many classic servers, and the meta's serious impact on gameplay and economics. Back then, there was no more efficient way to earn gold than by successfully participating in GDKP in current tier raids. Orgrimmar's move to Shattrath didn't change the situation on many servers. Even now, you can earn thousands of gold per run for a relatively small investment of time. The real challenge is getting a spot in a GDKP run like this, where it can successfully place a boss and then have a little luck with the loot.

2. Level up of WotLK Classic twinks

Another point mentioned at the beginning of our guide has to do with leveling up new "main characters" or (professional) twinks. However, most players don't like spending too much time on well-known missions. It is much more time efficient to be boosted by advanced characters in selected dungeons. And since many players know this and are willing to pay for the service, boosters can get a lot of gold from their mages or protection paladins.

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3. Cloth, Leather, Ore, Gem, Shard

Not only are new characters currently being leveled up in TBC Classic, but Azeroth's warrior class is also looking to be shaped. In the case of the WotLK Classic, the focus is of course on the manufacturing sector, which will also provide a particularly strong advantage in the coming era. Especially exciting is the new profession of inscription (since many people want to make a fortune selling glyphs in the first few weeks), which has to be learned from scratch. What scroll do you need? Of course, pigments, and therefore herbs from all levels! Even farm rounds in old classic areas are worthwhile at the moment. Wait until the inscription can be leveled before selling the herb.

4. Do your daily tasks every day

Youtuber Classic WoW Curios has been earning around 10,000 gold per week for the past few weeks just from daily quests in Burning Crusade Classic - that's what he claims in this video. This shouldn't be the maximum at long distances. Anyone who goes through the daily ordeal with several characters can only earn more gold with repeatable commands. The benefit of this gold farm method is that it has the flexibility to adjust downwards. No one is forcing you to do 25 days a day. If you only have time for five or six missions, you'll get quite a bit of gold. Additionally, there are now many different everyday metro areas to choose from, such as the Isle of Quel'Danas, O'Griera in the Blade's Edge Mountains, or the Sha'tar Skyguard in Terokkar Forest.

5. Do a chest farm round in Netherstorm

There are many chest spawn points in Netherstorm, and you can smoothly run rounds between them to scoop their contents (you can see all the chest locations with plugins like GatherMate2). That way, ores, herbs, green and grey items are all beckoning, and there are a ton of mana potions that you can still get away with for a pretty penny on the auction house on many servers. Of course, if you also learn herbalism or mine with your character, the rate of gold per hour will increase even more. Youtuber Studen Albatroz recently made a video about this farming strategy. Buy WoW Classic WOTLK Gold US here.

6. Farm reputation items for TBC factions

Some of our Laowaiyu goldfields today are not as profitable as they were in the early TBC classic stage. However, we can still recommend Team Fortress in Shadowmoon Valley from the guide. Warlocks there drop Infernal Weapons, Mark of Sargeras, and many Netherweave Cloths. Prestige items in particular can still sometimes sell for good gold, as some players are currently preparing to introduce a success system. And since the spawn rate is high, it doesn't matter if there are other players in the area. There are Wrath Classic Gold for Sale.

After WotLK Classic is officially launched, you can check the guide and Buy WoW WOTLK Classic Gold. We will give a cheap and reasonable price according to the market price. We will also continue to update the game guide, please follow us!
Good news: 5% off on WoW TBC Classic Gold purchases at! Code: "mmosowow" 2022.6.20-2022.8.1
