WOW WOTLK Classic: Best Racial Choice for Shamans

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WOW WOTLK Classic: Best Racial Choice for Shamans

In Wrath Classic, Shaman is a very generic Class. They cast powerful Elemental spells and bring a unique set of buffs in the form of totems. There are a lot of new changes to Shaman, mostly totem changes, many of which are welcome quality of life changes. For more WotLK Professions details, please visit where players can also get cheap WOTLK Classic Gold.

The three shaman specializations are Elemental (Ele) , Enhancement (Enh) , and Restoration (Resto). Ele Shaman gets some quality-of-life improvements, reduced spell retreat for the talent Eye of the Storm, and reduced Chain Lightning cooldowns for Storm, Earth, and Fire. Resto Shamans now has a number of talents that provide better healing crit, mana efficiency, and targeted healing for low health targets.

Lava Lash, Maelstrom Weapon, and Feral Spirit, 3 new abilities in Talents, change the playstyle of Enh Shamans. Mana preservation is no longer an issue thanks to Shaman's Wrath and many other talent options. While ethnicity is not an important part of the overall efficiency of a class, each has a slight trade-off.


In PvE content, Trolls are generally more common with all types of shamans. Resto Shamans usually choose trolls because their main benefit is rage. Enhancement can be used with Orcs or Trolls, however, Orcs' traits Axe Specialization and Command give them a slight advantage. Elemental can be used with trolls or orcs, but generally, most players choose trolls as rage.

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In PvP, orcs and tauren are favored over trolls for their tenacity and war trample, respectively. The Draenei are the only race in the Alliance that can play as a shaman, and they really don't have much of an advantage over their horde counterparts. If players want to make better use of Shaman Class in the game, they can purchase WOTLK Classic Gold from professional to pursue greater progress.
