Lost Ark: The players are making a very specific request to the developers!

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Some players who are fans of rerolls in Lost Ark fear that they will not be able to create a Lancer or a Destroyer as soon as they are deployed because of the character limit imposed on each server. Amazon Games has provided a pretty clear and promising answer to this!

Some players who are fans of rerolls in Lost Ark fear that they will not be able to create a Lancer or a Destroyer as soon as they are deployed because of the character limit imposed on each server. Amazon Games has provided a pretty clear and promising answer to this!

Since the deployment of Lost Ark in Europe and America last February, players have been relatively regularly asking for features that would make their (in-game) life easier in many ways. While some "old-timers" expressed their disappointment recently, it's now the turn of a handful of other players to claim something new in terms of... Lost Ark Glaivier character slots!

The limit of characters soon pushed back in Lost Ark?

In Lost Ark, the character limit on each server is 6 by default. This limit is expandable up to 12 by obtaining a Character Slot Expansion Ticket for each additional slot. This was accessible by default in the Lost Ark Gold and Platinum Founder's Packs, and is also still available today for purchase in the in-game store in exchange for 800 Royal Crystals (the equivalent of around €8) per additional slot. .

Important: Each character limit extension is only granted for one slot on a given server, not all of them!

Only then, with the upcoming arrival of the Spearhead and later the Destroyer, more and more players who enjoy creating multiple characters feel aggrieved by this restriction and wonder about the chances that it will be pushed back in order to that they can create at least one character embodying these classes without having to delete one of their already existing ones.

It was on the English forums of Lost Ark that Roxx, Community Manager of Amazon Games, announced some interesting news: the limit will indeed be pushed back “in the near future”. In an answer to a similar question, she also indicated that "the roadmap is not exhaustive of all the changes that will be made".

Players claiming this extension rightly recall that in Korea, the character limit is 20 per server. They therefore hope to have at least three additional slots soon (for a total of 15), or even six (for a total of 18). One thing seems fairly certain: at least one additional slot should be deployed when the Lancer is deployed during the month of April!
